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By default, each piece of content must be stored in the directory app/swark/_default. You can configure another location by setting the variable 'content.path' in your config/swark.php.

You can either deploy your swark instance with the content in it our put your content into another Git repository and then pull that repository into your swark instance.

Organizing your content directories

swark uses Laravel's named routes to find the correct subdirectory containing your content. Each page has a named route which something like swark.strategy.index. That named route maps to the relative URL /swark/strategy. On the command line, you can execute php artisan route:list | grep swark to find all relevant routes, e.g.

  GET|HEAD   swark/glossary ................................................................... swark.glossary.index › Swark\Http\Ui\GlossaryController@index
GET|HEAD swark/infrastructure/baremetals .................. swark.infrastructure.baremetal.index › Swark\Http\Ui\Infrastructure\BaremetalController@index
GET|HEAD swark/infrastructure/clusters ........................ swark.infrastructure.cluster.index › Swark\Http\Ui\Infrastructure\ClusterController@index
GET|HEAD swark/infrastructure/clusters/{cluster} ............ swark.infrastructure.cluster.detail › Swark\Http\Ui\Infrastructure\ClusterController@detail
GET|HEAD swark/infrastructure/resources/{resource_type} ..... swark.infrastructure.resource.index › Swark\Http\Ui\Infrastructure\ResourceController@index
GET|HEAD swark/infrastructure/system-landscape ................. swark.infrastructure.index › Swark\Http\Ui\Infrastructure\InfrastructureController@index
GET|HEAD swark/it-architecture .................................. swark.it_architecture.index › Swark\Http\Ui\Architecture\ITArchitectureController@index
GET|HEAD swark/strategy .......................................................... swark.strategy.index › Swark\Http\Ui\Strategy\StrategyController@index

To change some content for the swark.strategy.index route, simply navigate to ${content.path}/swark/strategy/index.


If a chapter's content is only included, you have to create a file with the name of its chapter's id. For example, if you want to change the content of the chapter introduction in the page swark.strategy.index, create a file ${content.path}/swark/strategy/index/ You can either use md, html or blade.php as a file extension.

Adding content before or after a chapter

It may be the case that your page's layout already defines a content for a given chapter. For example, if some data tables are displayed or an infrastructure diagram is automatically rendered. Instead of modifying that page's layout to insert content before or after this automatically generated data, you can use one those well-defined filenames:

FilenameWhen displayed
${chapter_id}-before-chapter.blade.phpBefore the current chapter's header
${chapter_id}-before.blade.phpBefore the current chapter's body
${chapter_id}-after.blade.phpAfter the current chapter's body

If you want to add some content before the introduction chapter, you would have to create a file ${content.path}/swark/strategy/index/introduction-before.blade.php.

Dynamic content

The previous section only dealt with a page which is unique in your whole swark instance. This may be some kind of global introduction, a glossary, some Jira issue aggregation. But what happens if you want to modify some content which is specific for exatly one of your configuration items? Based upon the current route's parameters, swark locates the content in the correct subdirectory.

Let's say you want to add some remarks about your configuration item cluster with its id 1. From the output above, this maps to swark.infrastructure.cluster.detail and has a route parameter named {cluster}:

  GET|HEAD   swark/infrastructure/clusters/{cluster} ............ swark.infrastructure.cluster.detail › Swark\Http\Ui\Infrastructure\ClusterController@detail

Again, navgiate to ${content.path}/swark/infrastructure/cluster/detail/1/ and create a file named overview-after.blade.php. As discussed before, it will only render when the cluster with ID 1 is shown.

Scomp IDs

Dealing with numeric IDs like 1 does not reflect the real world. You have probably one internal name for your cluster, e.g. dc1-esx-primary. swark uses the concept of scomp IDs. They must be unique for every type and you can assign your cluster that very internal name as a scomp ID. Instead of using <...>/cluster/detail/1/ you can then also use the folder cluster/detail/dc1-esx-primary/ for your content. If content of the same type for the same configuration item is loaded, then your scomp-identified content has precedence.